To find out how we can help you, visit our website at or email us on or Tel: 020 8305 2666.

Friday, 19 March 2010

Meet the Buyer Event

SEE in partnership with East London Business Place (ELBP) hosted a 'Meet the Buyer' event at Charlton Athletic on the 19th March. The aim of the event was to facilitate the matching of local suppliers with buyers who may be interested in their goods and services. 11 major buyers attended and over a 100 suppliers from Greenwich and Lewisham. Morton Patterson and Richard Dickson organised this successful event and SEE plans to hold more later in the year.

For the past 2 years Morton and Richard have managed and developed relationships with the businesses in Greenwich and Lewisham providing tendering and procurement workshops and support. SEE now provide 1:1 clinics where Morton and Richard will look at your Tender or PQQ applications and provide feedback.

Thursday, 11 March 2010

CamperVantastic wins Lewisham Business Award

SEE was one of the sponsors at the Lewisham Business Awards ceremony on Thursday 11th March. SEE client, CamperVantastic, was the winner of Best Company and also the Best New Company of the Year award.

CamperVantastic hires out campervans and also gives travel tips and offers extras including bikes, camping equipment, surf and ski racks, hammocks and luxury bedding sets. The company was set up in December 2007 after camping expert and seasoned backpacker Steve Lumley discovered a niche in the market. The day they formed the company, they contacted Tony Goldstein from Lewisham Business Advisory Service. ‘He was great and has been with us all the way offering advice, networking opportunities and training seminars,’ says Steve. Read more about Steve's experience from Lewisham Life Magazine.

There were 10 categories at the awards, the winners are featured in Lewisham Life and the Mercury newspaper. Click on the links to read more.

Monday, 8 March 2010

International Women's Day Celebration

SEE regularly arrange Women Mean Business networking events to provide women the opportunity to develop personally and professionally – the events provide a friendly forum for networking and for business women entrepreneurs to

• be inspired by guest speakers  
• meet like-minded business women
• make new business and social contacts
• exchange ideas, share knowledge and experiences

SEE organised a Spring Networking Lunch to celebrate International Women’s Day at Manor House Library. The speakers included Toni Stacey-Blake from BOoSHiE BagZ and Yana Johnson from Yana Cosmetics, who have both received business support from SEE.

Thursday, 4 March 2010

New Office Open in Lewisham

On the 4th March the Mayor of Lewisham, Sir Steve Bullock, came to officially open South East Enterprises' new office in Lewis Grove, Lewisham. SEE is the provider of Lewisham Councils' Business Advisory Service (BAS). The new office provides much needed space for advisers to meet with clients and to hold seminars and workshops.