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Thursday, 17 September 2009

SE Enterprise is NFEA National Enterprise Award Winner 2009

NFEA - the national enterprise network - announced the winners of the third annual National Enterprise Awards - recognised at a dedicated ceremony on Wednesday 16 September at the Barclays sponsored NFEA Annual Conference. The winners of five categories were announced during the gala dinner at The Royal York Hotel in York. Barclay’s Let’s Talk Newcomer of the Year, a new award category, was given to South East Enterprise in London, a new delivery agency for the programme this year.

The Barclay's Let's Talk Business programme is managed nationally by NFEA, the national enterprise network. Speaking of South East Enterprise's award win, NFEA CEO George Derbyshire said: "As new deliverer for the Barclays Let’s Talk programme this year, South East Enterprise has established first class scheduling and administration processes in a very short space of time, as well as a strong relationship with Barclays locally. NFEA and Barclays congratulate them on a well deserved award win."